Hiway 96 - The Real Work Begins - Day 2

Not that the work I've been doing thus far hasn't been massive. But now is when the rubber meets the road. All the planning, thinking and writing means nothing if you don't get results. And the results I made public today are HUGE!
What Just Happened?
If you've known me for a while, you know I'm a thinker. Not just on one level, but down the road. That's why I created a product called "Visionary Marketing". I don't think about what's going on right now. I think more along the lines of the future.
Yes...and so?
Well, I just made an announcement that I'm going to be using the following hugely successful sites to help mine be successful. And I'm going to do it by playing by the rules. In other words, I'm not going to try and circumvent any rules. That's just not the way I do it. Anyway... here are the sites:
- WikiMedia
- WikiPedia
- IMDB - Internet Movie Database
- Google Maps
- Google My Business
Yes, that's right. I'm going to integrate all of those into one big search engine referral hub. Not by spamming them, or scamming them.
This is about to get really interesting. I hope you'll follow along.
Today's Work?
Oh yeah... I did research on Instagram tags concerning my project. Actually, all I completed was creating the list of 32 Hashtags that I need to research.
More tomorrow!
Peace, Love and Understanding.
I'll See Ya'll Down The Road
These blog posts are created using Stan Bush's Area 51 reports. Like everything that he does, Stan has made it easy to get work done. Area 51's are not about aliens. Area 51's get their name from this phrase "Five Minutes to Write, One Minute to Read". Set a timer for Five Minutes...and type away. It doesn't get any easier than that. _________________________________________________________
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